Lab Member Updates
Welcome Ruby!
The newest addition to the Fitzpatrick family is Ruby Mustill! She joined the lab in the fall of 2023 as a PhD student in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Interdisciplinary Program. Learn more about Ruby in the ‘People’ tab.
Good Luck Elizabeth
It’s a bittersweet time for the Fitzpatrick Lab. After a very successful Animal Behavior Society conference in Portland, we must now send Elizabeth off to The Ohio State University where she will begin the position of research scientist in the Carter Lab. Here she will have a lead role in the investigation of social cooperation and communication in vampire bats! We loved having your expertise and camaraderie in our lab and we cannot wait to hear about all the exciting work you perform in this position!
Bon voyage but not goodbye to Cecile Renfro! Cecile will be starting a Masters program in Daniel Spalink’s lab in ECCB here at Texas A&M. As a research assistant in the Fitzpatrick Lab, Cecile made foundational contributions that launched the research focus on breeding color in lizards. We will miss her but we are happy that she will be returning to plants, her first love! — 01/2023
Welcome to the lab Austen & Brittany. We are excited to welcome the first two Fitzpatrick lab graduate students. Hear more about them in the ‘people’ tab. — 08/2022